So I've been working tirelessly on getting these songs I'm trying to get finished. I feel like the creativity in me is flowing non-stop. I'm grateful and super tired. It's funny though, I actually have thought about this...I couldn't even write until I let go of my issues...specifically my father. Since I let go of all of that garbage I've been a song writing maniac. I'm not the best writer in the world just like I'm not the best singer, but I know I have a special talent that seems to attract people to who God made me to be. What's also funny to me is that my husband can't believe what I've been able to do...just yesterday he said, "I can't believe you wrote this stuff, I love your lyrics..." From a guy who listens to anything from Wu Tang to Jay-Z to Soldier Boy to Naz, I can't be mad at that!
I'm excited about the task God has placed in front of me and hope I rise to the occasion, but I'm sure as I continue down this road to victory I will undoubtedly have lows as good as my current high...
Matthew 6:33