So I think my goals in life are simply to be successful. The issue with this statement is that I have yet to define what that means really. Obviously it's the accumulation of a certain amount of money, but it's so much more than that. As I begin to network in this new job, this new environment I'm confronted constantly with the 5 - 10 year plan question. But I look at it in a different way than most. I'm looking at what skills I have, what knowledge I've gained, friendships I've built, and what I hope to gain in all three of those categories in the future... It's not just about the money for me, though that does matter :), it's about being happy with what I'm doing and being the best me I can possibly be.

So I'm traveling on this road called success and I hope the majority of the people I come in contact with are either traveling on it as well or trying to.
