I am going through yet another transition, a growth. It's funny to me how uncomfortable it is to grow, to be better than you've ever been. I haven't done this very many times I confess, but I know what it is when it's happening. I'm starting to question what God wants me to do with myself. Everything feels so scattered and disjointed...what's real, what's my selfish desire, what will be blessed. I'm grateful for my past because it taught me to enjoy the journey and that's what I'm doing, what will I gain by being unhappy anyway. My new mantra is "Carpe Diem", I will love hard and I will take advantage of everything everyday! Why stay in this world and be unhappy, God created it for us to enjoy even though we destroy it, it's still ours. God gave us dominion (rule) over this land, so guess what that's what I'm gonna do. Even when things don't go my way, you know what...that doesn't mean anything, it means I get another opportunity to get it right the next time. People are just people, just like me, they don't have real power, just the power I allow them to have.
Psalms 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
(Thanks Pastor Cosby!)
I thank God for those who came before me, paved the way and never gave up even when it got hard and it felt pointless. I wouldn't be sitting here today without what they did and what they sacrificed.
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